
Lets make a deal

Asla & Indy



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
04-17-2022, 04:37 PM

The quartet made their way through the world and Aslatiel was happier than she had been in a long while. Perhaps ever. Having her children, watching them grow, finally being able to be with Indigo after all this time... it was the perfect life. Winter was coming, however. Asla had been tossing around the idea of where they might be able to settle down for the cold season. Perhaps they could simply go down to Auster while it was cold. Or, perhaps they could find a cave to curl up in for the winter. If it had just been Asla, she would have powered through the winter on her own, but she had more than just herself to think about now. Soon enough her children would be old enough to venture off on their own. It would be best to have this winter together so that they could learn the valuable survival skills that would keep them alive.

As the foursome came upon an odd structure of stone, Arcturus and Satira split off to explore. Aslatiel slid her side against Indigo's thick coat, enjoying the feel of his bulk underneath. Being with him every day, she felt whole. She felt complete. Asla's mind had begun to shift and she thought of them more as mates than siblings these days. Did he think the same? She had yet to ask him. The scarred fae opened her mouth to do just that, but noted that someone was approaching. It was a large woman, purple in color much like Indigo. Large as well. Obviously pregnant by both the size of her belly and the all too familiar waddling walk.

The woman greeted the pair and Aslatiel dipped her head in greeting in return. Charcoal ears perked as the fae introduced herself as the leader of a nearby pack. Asla hadn't heard of this Elysium before, but she'd been off the grid for almost a year, so it wasn't surprising. Manea then explained that she was on the lookout for fighters for her pack. Interesting.

Aslatiel met Indigo's blue gaze for a moment, then looked back to the horned woman. "I am Aslatiel Indarra and this is Indigo." She would leave their relationship vague for now as it really was no ones business but hers and her brother's. Manea sat, so Aslatiel sat as well. "My children are off exploring somewhere," Asla waved a paw vaguely, letting the woman know that it wasn't just the two of them. "Looking for warriors, are you?" Again, Asla looked up to Indigo, very much wanting his input on the situation.

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