
Never Meant To Hurt You




Intermediate Fighter (50)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
04-17-2022, 07:22 PM
Haiku hadn’t ever felt pain like this before. He’d seen his father’s sorrow but he couldn’t have started to know the scope of it until now. He lost his sire, and he was losing Bowen. Both had been a constant for so long, so many regrets raced through his mind as he held her tightly to him and the rain poured down. He didn’t care about the rain that fell on him, but as always his concern for Bowen outshone all of his own emotions or needs. He couldn’t help but see her as his damsel to be saved, but he couldn’t just linger over her shoulder their whole lives. Not when she had someone better and stronger to keep her safe and happy.

Bowen whispered back to him, the sound of her promise making his heart twist. He grit his teeth and knit his brows, and suddenly grabbed Bowen to carry her to an abandoned den close to the border. He couldn’t bring himself to go back to his family’s den yet, and he couldn’t let go of Bowen. Haiku didn’t know what he was going to do, but for now all he wanted was to bury his face in Bowen’s fur and forget that they had to part from each other.

What was he going to do when Bowen had to leave? He wanted her here with him, he didn’t want to let her go. This was what would be best for her, that’s how he could live with this. Haiku wanted to ask her what she thought he should do, he wanted comfort and a solution but there was none. There was no balm for this. How did he move on after this? His breath whistled through his teeth as he tried to keep control of himself as he wrapped his massive frame around Bowen’s tiny form.

"Bowen & Haiku"

I have a white raven companion named Prose if she isn't mentioned assume she is nearby