
sweetest things


10-03-2013, 08:35 PM

Loneliness had crept up on the young female. She had wandered off in the direction of the nearest pack, which had actually kept her in the North, rather then heading off in the direction of the warmer south. She kept her body low to the ground, her ears up and twitching at every little sound. She tended to keep to the high grasses and the small clumps of trees that provided what little shelter there was in the area.

Soon the scents of other wolves reached her nose. Arietta paused, one paw still in the air as she twitched her ears. The sounds of wolves speaking reached her, though they were still fairly quiet. She slowly padded forward, keeping her body low to the ground and all senses alert just in case these wolves decided they didn't care for her presence.

Reaching the ending of a grouping of pines Arietta crouched down and let her blue gaze wander over to the two wolves. Her first couple meetings in the mainland hadn't been so bad... but it was the meeting with one of the rogues of Alacritis that had scared her and made her fear just about every wolf that she met. Nervously her ears twitched, until finally the she-wolf edged out into the open.

"Uh... h-hello there. I... are you two... part of the pack here?"
