
The Warmth of Others


10-03-2013, 08:36 PM
It was midday, and the beast was engulfed in a heavy sense of boredom. It wasn't often that the creature found himself with a lack of things to do, but with a full belly and a good night's sleep, his aspirations for the day were rather low. He typically did not seek out company ? he often avoided it, in fact, for lack of desire to socialize or gain any sort of attachment with others ? but frankly he couldn't think of many other ways to fill his time.

His nose gave a light wriggle to see whether or not anyone was nearby before he lifted his muzzle to the sky and let out a gruff howl into the wind, hoping it would carry far enough for a few wolves to hear. It was a dangerous thing to let out a howl so close to pack borders, but even so, he didn't quite mind. If any pack wolves came to chase him off, he could run well enough to escape them. Besides, at least running from guards was more entertaining than sitting here staring at the snow.

Stretching out he lay down to wait, giving a light yawn and settling down with half his body buried into the deepening white powder. His tail gave a few light sweeps behind him, like a child's arms making a snow angel, as he watched his surroundings for any signs of life beyond the skittering of squirrels and the sniffles of rabbits, copper eyes interested and slightly hopeful that someone might choose to relieve him of his boredom.