
Dear little monsters

For Resin



Advanced Fighter (80)

Advanced Hunter (75)

2 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
04-17-2022, 10:09 PM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2022, 10:10 PM by Imperia. Edited 1 time in total.)
Imperia was bored, bored of her life. Bored of not being able to kill free from rules. That was just who she was, someone who never held regards in other's lives, seeing them more like expendable objects, tools for her benefits and those from her family as well. She killed for a living, to feel alive. As far as she was aware no one deserved to be loved, life wasn't for that. Love had always been a fake concept, a ridiculous fantasy others seemed to dive in like idiots. It was disgusting, like testing the worst shit in this life. She would rather roll in feces than allowing that sickness to touch her.

Her tongue rolled free from its deadly prison. Out of those teeth made to tear and bring down prey, both wolves and ungulates alike. The brindle woman walked through the valley, searching for something, for everything that could entertain her. Something to kill and eat.

Oh but how lucky she was? Was that the smell of blood? Of suffering? How delightful. The Mendacium bastard approached, eyes of a predator seeking it's prey. And there a injured bear feasts on a corpse. A wolf. Well, it was time for punishment. The bear wasn't in one piece. It's back leg was tore deep, gashes and bone sprouted. Well, today's dinner would be bear. A grizzly bear.

"speak."| "You"
Imperia is to be leveled as a M character due to the gore and potential sexual themes that could come on her posts.