
Hello There



7 Years
11-06-2013, 12:42 AM

Surreal?s attack landed, and she let herself rest there for just a blink, hind paws setting into a squared, balanced position as her tail flicked out behind her for added balance. She grinned mentally as she felt him leaning toward her. It looked like she could do something after all, even with her ?opponent?s? larger size. So she let her hind legs bend with his weight, but kept them squared to take it, until his lunge for her leg along with his weight thrust gave her what she needed for what she was thinking of.

She gave Falk?s scruff a tug as her hind legs jumped back a few steps, and used the leg that was draped over the top of Falk?s neck/back to attempt to pull him further off of his center of balance, and maybe bring him down, before she allowed herself to go down with him if he indeed fell. Her hold on his scruff would be released, and she instead would go for a hold on his left ear. While most pups usually went for one another?s ears in play, in a fight, an ear was a good hold to have, as an adult wolf?s jaws could damage the ears. She wasn?t aiming for damage however. Just a good grip. Tail tucked, ears flattened, and her eyes squinted, though they still twinkled playfully.

Other defenses were only to come if she was laying down, hind legs tucking, free front leg curling over her chest.

Fight Stats

Round: 2 of 3

Defenses: Squared hind paws, taking her weight as her attempt to pull him over hopefully becomes successful. tail flicking out to balance her. Hopping her hind paws back a few steps if it works; dropping with Falk if he falls, to avoid accidental injury to the leg.

Attacks: Attempting to pull Falk down. Attempting to grab his ear in her jaws (Not hard enough to break the skin, though if it lands, he could have a bit of bruising from it.

Injuries: Bite on her leg (Tiny bruising.)

Out Of Character Notes: We'll probably not have this judged, since all the judges are a little... Busy.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.