
Never Meant To Hurt You




Intermediate Fighter (50)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
04-18-2022, 08:12 AM
Haiku didn’t want Bowen to be anything but herself, and had he known about her trying to control herself in that moment he would have stopped her. He wanted every fluke and flaw because that was what made this woman, the girl he had saved so long ago and cared about so deeply now, who she was. He was privileged to have seen low and high, and Haiku wanted to be there for her through the rollercoaster that was life. He would be there, even if they were separated. Whenever she needed him.

Just like he needed her now. He wanted to cover the difficult emotions, they were too strong and too much for him. Here in this old dingy den he could forget about the world outside. There was no Abaven, the Hallows didn’t exist, it was just Haiku, Bowen, and the earth around them. Her paw caressed his cheek as he leaned in for a desperate kiss. Desperate to hide everything beneath the surface. He just wanted to forget, to live in this moment with her for eternity. She whispered to him, giving him permission to unlock their desire, to hide his pain with her.

He met her emerald gaze and he found his hope there, for now he’d forget about future and past while he got lost in her. Bowen leaned forward and pressed her lips to his, further dissipating the sorrow that lingered in his heart. The burning passion she held within her was breathed onto his lips. The cold nothing was chased away as she warmed him from the inside out. Going from feeling so empty inside to being so filled with her love was unlike any experience the young man had so far.

He was welcoming in her subtle advances, and her soft kiss pulled him from the pit but sent him over the edge. Haiku wanted her and he needed her and that was plain in the way his lips pressed to hers and his toes dug into her soft fur. He closed his eyes as he lost himself in her so he could forget about everything that hurt.

"Bowen & Haiku"

I have a white raven companion named Prose if she isn't mentioned assume she is nearby