
Get your grubby paws off my stuff!!!


10-03-2013, 08:56 PM
The dark man would continue his investigation of this strangely decorated room. He would move further, circling here and there to poke at a nick knack or prod at a shell. Whoever decorated this place had a strange...obsession. Ears would perk slightly, a scent wafting towards him. Blue eyes would look to the entrance, expecting someone to come running through and attacking him for trespassing. Though none came...yet the scent grew stronger with each passing moment. With narrowed eyes he would turn his back on the way in, though keeping his senses now alert should someone decide to ambush him. He stood there for a moment, and at last his ears would pick up the telltale sound of a growl, followed by an angry outburst. "Get your grubby paws off my stuff!"

Russet head would whip around, though nothing seemed to be behind him. He found it quite strange...until he glanced up, then he would see the strange girl. He stared at her, blue eyes watching and waiting to see if she would pounce on him from her perch in the ceiling. He kept light toes should she decide to leap at him, ready to let her fall to the floor beneath him if she so chose. Brows furrowed, he wondered what the hell she was doing up there. "Your stuff eh? What is a lass like you doing collecting all this garbage for? Dontcha know it ain't healthy for a young lass to be alone livin' among this trash eh?" He turned around, picking up the skull that he had moved earlier, teeth wrapping gently around an edge. He would look back up, a slightly muffled murmur parting his jaws. "An' is this yers too? Wha' a fine collection ye've got here, where did this one come from eh?" A hidden teasing note would play onto his silver tongue, coaxing the girl or at the very least make her come down by subtly threatening her possessions. Oh yes he was a bad one, and was not afraid to get his paws dirty or mess with others of his kind.