
Take me somewhere nice



10-03-2013, 09:04 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The happy mother wolf gently returned a quick nuzzle to her eager-to-please son before he ran bounding out of the den once more, obviously far too excited about everything that awaited them outside to stick around within any longer. It was not surprise to her that half of the children were already making their way outdoors, though Cloud seemed less interested. Rather than join in the merry excitement of his siblings, he chose to remain curled up against her side, looking quite comfortable where he was and not the least bit inclined to lose his cozy spot. Sage, looking quite excited himself, seemed to notice his brother's inaction and attempted to prod him into moving, but Cloud refused to budge.

Mercianne smiled with amusement to herself, her dark brown eyes following Kestrel's form as the quiet girl moved to join her brothers outside, not showing any sign of hesitation or concern. It was reassuring to the mother who often found herself worry after her silent daughter, always unsure where her quiet streak stemmed from considering she was just as outgoing and adventurous as the rest of them.

Emery returned, suddenly concerned about a tree that seemed to have had a funny smell to it. Merci shook her head, attempting to assure her son that he was safe. "No, it's not dangerous. They only move for the wind. You'll be fine," she promised, casting a quick glance at Sage who still seemed determined to wake his sleepy sibling. "Maybe Sage would like to go with you," she suggested loud enough to catch the attention of the one she spoke of.