
At That Age




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
04-18-2022, 06:09 PM

The reptiles littering the plains didn't seem to bother Satira any and that took a weight off of Asla's mind. As the ladies settled down on the rocks, ready to indulge in their picnic, a little snake slithered onto the warm rock with them. The tan and grey fae swept it gently off of the rock and it fell into the river where it promptly swam to the other side, thus leaving them in peace. Tira took the offered berry and Asla took one of her own, chewing on the sweet morsel with a little sound of pleasure. A bit of apple came next, then a piece of the dried venison. Aslatiel wasn't shy when it came to food like a lot of females were. She liked to eat, so eat, she would.

Tira agreed that the day was lovely and admitted that she enjoyed the opportunity for alone time. The scarred woman agreed. "I'm sorry we haven't been able to do so more often," a little sigh escaped Asla. Things had been rough for all of them and she hoped that she'd made the proper choice for her children. "Despite how tumultuous things have been, I hope I've done right by you and Arc," Aslatiel spoke softly, purple eyes shifting downwards for a moment. It was a big worry. Though their lives would have been more stable had they stayed in the Armada, would they really have been living? Out in the wild they had choices and free will. She was far from a domineering parent and though she mothered them, she also let them live and learn.

When Asla posed her question, Tira seemed to think about it for a moment, first admitting to exploring alone, then a light went off in her mind. The girl perked up, soft ears bouncing and Aslatiel once again wondered over how beautiful of a daughter she and Mojito had made. Satira really was perfection as far as Aslatiel was concerned. Her features were delicate, her coloring and markings sublime. In time the girl would fill out like her mother, no doubt. She would, and should, be sought after. That was why this conversation was so important.

Satira admitted to having kissed a girl by the fjord and the bashful expression on her daughters face made Aslatiel grin, amaranthine eyes crinkling at the corners. "There's no need to be ashamed, love," her mother assured her, extending one paw to give hers a little reassuring pat. "This is what I wanted to talk to you about." Asla inhaled deeply, mentally preparing herself for the talk that was to come. She liked to believe that her children could tell her anything and trusted her enough to do so. Asla was open and honest with both Satira and Arcturus and she wanted them to be the same way with her.

"You've no doubt noticed my relationship with Indigo," the woman said matter-of-factly. She made no effort to hide her love for her brother. They'd gone too long pretending that they didn't love one another for the benefit of the outside world. "And my relationship with Ocean and Chrystelle when they were with us." The siblings had split off to go their own way and enjoy their newfound freedom. "Most wolves wouldn't understand such relationships, but I don't care." She'd always marched to the beat of her own drum. "I want you to know that, any sort of relationship or relationships you choose to explore, I support you and I'm here for you, love." Again, Asla's paw found Satira's and she held it in her own. There was more to be said, but this was a decent start.

"Aslatiel Indarra"
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