
You're Giant. That's cheating



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Navigator (0)

5 Years
Large species
04-18-2022, 07:44 PM

It was a nice day, with just a bit more cold in it than the prior day.  The sound of birds could be heard above in various directions as they had some manner of conversation.  The giant reindeer could hear rabbits hopping about and playing with each other in a rather reckless manner.  The sounds all helped offer assurance that no one had spotted a predator in the area.  Not that Kyren was overly worried, he wasn’t the sort of reindeer that ran from most predators.  As far as Kyren was concerned any predator that wanted to pick a fight with Kyren would end up with the choices of being kicked, trampled, bit, or jabbed.

The antlers were fully grown in, velvet long gone and perfectly solid.  That wouldn’t last long, with the coming of winter his head would seen be bald for a time.  However, in the now Kyren had that as an added measure of protection.

The rabbits stopped playing, the birds hushed their songs and squawks and Kyren lifted his head up.  He sucked in the air not smelling anything at first but then he saw the silvery fur sliding through the trees.  That wasn’t a wolf, it was a damned monster.   The wolf had done well with hiding his scent until now and Kyren watched with indecision on whether he really wanted to fight that monstrous dire beast.  He was willing to assume it was one of those creatures that came from up north.

The wolf broke into a run towards Kyren and the reindeer shivered with the instinctive urge to run.  Stomping his hoof, antlers were lowered and he ran towards the wolf.  It at least surprised the brute that Kyren saw its stride falter.  The wolf swerved away from a face-first collision and tried to get to the deer’s side.  Kyren’s body didn’t twist as fast as the wolf’s and he felt its paw touch his coat, saw that open-muzzle filled with teeth but the wolf got a surprise.  As it aimed to bite Kyren the deer bit into the paw that was foolishly on him.

The wolf was thrown off again for a moment, more surprised than seeming to be concerned at the bite on its paw.  It took a better look at the deer showing off its fangs.  Kyren lowered his antlers and lunged at the wolf who circled around and tried to leap up on Kyren.  The reindeer cowhopped trying to get the beast to let go with his front paws.  
