
in the dark



3 Years
Extra large

LegendaryThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2VengeanceUnderachieverScarred
Ice Bridge ExplorerWealthyHomebodyDouble MasterExplorerVolcano
1KTreat 2019
04-18-2022, 08:16 PM

This was not where Tyrian envisioned the cave would take him, but as he rolled onto his hip to recline beside Duchess he wouldn't say he was displeased with the turn of events. If she didn't immediately rise his careless touch would be felt here and there in the form of a leg or shoulder along her person as he hadn't the motivation to disentangle himself fully. He rather liked her nearness and while they had shared in a good time it didn't feel like the sort of intimacy that one could assume a cuddle afterwards would be well received so he wouldn't move in for more. Still, he would not be bothered to move unless she made her intention to be rid of him clear.

He took a deep breath and allowed his heavy head to fall back on the stone behind him. Before now Tyrian had every intention of exploring until he escaped the stone maze but now, with the taste of the woman still on his tongue and his back pressed against cool floor, what he would do next was a mystery even to him.

Tyrian eyes fell on a mussed patch of fur on Duchess' shoulder where his teeth had clearly been and after only a moment's repose Tyrian leaned closer and gently ran a paw across it. While he hadn't been heedlessly rough or thoughtless in his actions it was important to him that he saw to it her needs were met. For him this meant checking that they were of the same mind; both sated and pleased. Were she bruised or otherwise in need of aftercare Tyrian would be attentive to her needs. They were strangers, yes, but part of his satisfaction hinged on hers and he wasn't ashamed to admit that. "Do you need anything?"


Tyrian has a saber-toothed snow leopard companion named Zahir, a black-footed gray langur named Tashi and a striped skunk companion he insists on calling Righty even though her name is Daisy. Assume all are nearby if not mentioned.