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"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
04-18-2022, 08:17 PM
Dusk paints the sky with vivid colors as Ricin makes his way across the island. A smile beams out at the world as moves toward the den the brothers use, the news he has for Chade  almost too much for the lighter boy to contain. The brothers have both thrown themselves into learning their trade and working to become masters at them. This meant more and more time apart but Ricin knows that their bond is strong. Every night the brothers still curl around each other to sleep and, as he drifts away into dreamland, body pressed against Chade’s, Ricin knows that nothing will ever keep them apart.

The dark form of his brother appears and the lighter boy veers off course to intercept him, paws pulling into a trot. Happily, he calls out, “Ny!” They meet and Ricin throws his front legs around his brother’s neck, nose nuzzling the fur near his ear in affection. Chade buries his own face in his lighter coat. When the darker boy asks how his day went, Ricin grins and releases his hold around Chade’s neck so that he can sit in front of his brother. Before he answers the question, Ricin’s eyes widen and he asks, “Sheep in the mountain? Was it difficult? How did you catch them?”

Body wiggles as he can no longer hold in the news and the lighter boy blurts out, “Ny I have some great news! Okay, so you know how I talked to Manea the other day about becoming Rimor and the task she gave me? I found the perfect place! I called Manea out and showed her around and guess what?! You are looking at the first Rimor of the Elysium pack.” Chest puffs out in pride as he looks to Chade, the huge smile back on his face. After a moment he adds, “Maybe you should ask for a promotion too Ny. I mean, you are the best hunter I know.” He nods his head sagely before waiting to see what Ny thinks of the whole thing.

"Chade & Ricin"