
At That Age



"Do not underestimate the power of the floppy ears!"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

5 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
04-19-2022, 02:08 AM

Just like her mother, Satira had an appreciation for the gustatory pleasures in life. She enjoyed food, enjoyed the tastes of the world. Sweet, savory, salty, bitter, it was all an experience for her! And having been raised by an unabashed and down to earth mother, Satira was also not one to be shy when it came to her enjoyment of food. The growing adolescent ate with gusto, picking a few more sweet berries to chew on before helping herself to some venison jerky and gnawing away at it, half for her enjoyment of snacking, half to have something to preoccupy herself with so she wouldn't just be awkwardly fiddling with her own paws while they talked. Tira appreciated Asla's candid attitude about relationships and romance; it helped ease some of the tension away. But it was all still brand new to her and delightfully taboo in her mind, so any sort of conversation was going to be met with some shy giggles and flushed cheeks.

Asla apologized for not being able to spend more time on just the two of them, seeming crestfallen over the notion, and then stated she hoped she was doing right by Tira and her brother. Satira put a swift stop to that by swatting a tiny speckled paw down to smack the rock in between the two faes, trying to divert her mother's attention away from her brooding. "Hey, don't say things like that, Mom. You've been the best mom we could ever want," Satira asserted with a resolute firmness in her pale gaze. "You take care of us even when it's not easy, and we love you." Okay, sure, she was speaking for Arcturus somewhat here, but she doubted her brother would have refuted that claim. Aslatiel had always been available for them when they needed her, and when she wasn't, it was because she was trying to provide for them. Hunting for food and furs, scouting out new dens and temporary homes for them, making sure all their needs were always met. It wasn't often that a child could see the effort, struggle, and sacrifice a parent made for their sakes, but Tira had the unique circumstances of being able to see everything going on around her. She loved and appreciated her mom for all she did for her and her brother.

Despite the initial awkwardness that came from admitting to her mother that she'd kissed a girl—a veritable stranger nonetheless—out in the wild lands, Asla took it all in great stride, and brought a confidence to Satira when she saw her mother grin. This was what Asla had been wanting to hear?! To say Tira was a little taken aback would have been an understatement. She hadn't expected her mother to want to talk about these things, but here they were, she guessed. Asla began the conversation by mentioning her relationship with Indigo, to which Satira nodded her head. "Yeah, I know it's wrong to spy on wolves, and I know you two try to keep it private from us, but we've seen—well, I've seen you two making out and stuff." Satira hadn't outright seen anything explicit between her mother and uncle, but she had indeed seen the intense stares of desire and the heated kissing the two often did. She usually tapped out at that point and left the two adults to their own devices.

Asla assured her that whatever relationships she chose to pursue, she would support her, and Satira gave her mother a soft smile, moving to rest one of her other paws atop Asla's, forming a little pileup of their forepaws. "Thanks, Mom. It was mostly just kinda fun to do, and I don't think we were thinking of making it a relationship or anything serious. I'm glad you're finally happy too." Satira didn't fully grasp the concept of just how taboo Aslatiel and Indigo's relationship was, but if her mother didn't care, then Satira couldn't give a fuck either. Granted, she'd never thought about kissing Arcturus like that, but she supposed that if she did, at least she wouldn't have to worry about their mother freaking out.
