
Break Away




2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
04-19-2022, 09:52 AM

She wasn’t sure if she was relieved or not when the horned man looked up with kind eyes and welcomed her in with a pat beside him. If he hadn’t, if he had just denied her presence and sent her away, then it would have been easier for her to decide what she really wanted to do. Instead he was sweet and polite and gave her all the more reason to want to join him. She settled down beside him, feeling strangely comfortable with him even though she wasn’t even sure of his name. He seemed sweet and the way he spoke quietly and gently drew her in. She hadn’t been able to see how pale and silvery his eyes were from a distance, but now laying this close they were quite ethereal with the moonlight bringing out the silver flecks in his irises.

"I couldn’t sleep and I didn’t want to be alone,” she replied when he questioned why she was out here. It wasn’t a lie, but she left out the part that she had chosen to come here instead of going back to the bed she shared with Balthier. She didn’t want to be alone, but she wanted a different kind of company than she usually had. She had approached him wondering if another man could make her feel like Balthier did, but what she hadn’t really considered in her slightly intoxicated state was the fact that her heat and the instinctive drive that came with it played a larger role than she realized. It sent her mind off into thoughts she probably shouldn’t be having about someone she just met and it made it hard to look at him without blushing.

Azzurra shifted a bit closer to him as she got comfortable, their sides very neatly touching. "I’m Azzurra… What’s your name?” she questioned curiously while attempting and failing to keep her thoughts and body in check. She couldn’t stop thinking about how soft his fur looked or mysteriously magical his pale eyes and skin looked in the moonlight. She couldn’t help but wonder how different his frame would feel over her own than Balthier’s or what his expression might look like when they were done when there was no internal conflict or guilt to work around. Her gray dipped paw slid closer to him, crossing the small distance and brushing the side of his foreleg as her cheeks flushed and her ears flicked shyly.
