
Break Away




5 Years

Trick 2019
04-19-2022, 01:27 PM (This post was last modified: 04-19-2022, 01:27 PM by Erystotle. Edited 1 time in total.)
In the before time Erystotle wasn’t given any attention unless it was negative attention. He was unseen and unheard unless his master desired it of him. The memories of being a slave to any of the faceless wolves know as master still haunted him. Of course he didn’t believe that the young woman who approached him shared any of these qualities but she did bring the hint of a memory. A reminder of the nightmare he lived through.

Despite the dark thoughts that lingered with him the girl seemed to be relieved when he welcomed her beside him. She told him honestly what was wrong, and he could see it in her as she spoke. She didn’t want to be alone. He knew how that felt, but after being truly alone for so long he had learned to unhealthily cope. Being so alone left its marks, just as he tried to forget about the nightmare. "I understand,” Erys returned knowingly.

The flush of her cheeks wasn’t so noticeable in the moonlight, but her seemingly shy disposition was. Like she wasn’t so certain of him because of unfamiliarity, but being unable to stop from coming closer because of forces stronger than her fortitude. The behavior was almost reminiscent of the men that sought his company…

She introduced herself and asked after his name and he answered as she hesitated slightly before nudging closer to his side. "I’m Erys,” he returned kindly. Surprise touched him as her dainty paw reached out to touch him. That was the moment he truly realized how lonely she was. He was still very much aware of her state, of the alluring scent she wore as perfume, her soft attempts to get closer to him. For the first time he was thankful for the difficult experiences he had faced. He wasn’t naïve to the darker aspects of the world and this was touching on them. Erys had to handle this carefully, for her sake.

"Are you alright, Azzurra?” He asked her softly, not rebuking her, but offering comfort as he placed a silvery paw over hers and sought to find her gaze. Something was wrong for her to seek out an unknown packmate like she was now. He couldn't find himself believing it was simple loneliness.

"Erystotle Atlas"