
not maybe, definitely



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
04-20-2022, 01:05 AM

Maverick had been called and seen as many different things by many different wolves. An adventurer, a scoundrel, a vagabond, a trickster, a lover, a criminal... It was hard for him to tell what Venom saw him as. Not that it really mattered much to the larger wolf. He was just simply Maverick, completely and unapologetically himself. Some loved him, some hated him. But he was true to himself if nothing else. Amidst their meal, Venom made a comment about how she would still want to bite his toes off, earning her a snarky sideways glance from the brute who instinctively turned his paws away from his bitey guest, all in jest. Not that he thought she'd be much of a threat to his toes anyway once the cannabis kicked in.

On the note of the marijuana he'd come here to harvest, Maverick pulled his small bag to his side, grabbing a few dark green leaves of the drug for himself before popping them in his mouth to join her on her trip. It wasn't a sense of nobility or guardianship that had stayed the renegade's paw for some time, but simply his desire to make sure Venom was seen to before letting himself unwind. Besides, he'd intended for this stash to last a little while before needing to come back to replenish, especially with winter approaching. Maverick was used to just getting high alone and staring up at the stars while he contemplated life, the universe, and just what the fuck he was supposed to be doing with his life. This time things would be different. Chewing the cannabis to a fine paste and letting the oils soak into his tongue and gums, the brute settled himself in for a good night as well.

Venom answered his curiosities, enlightening him as to why she was so far from home at night. Scouting seemed like an odd choice of an answer, especially for someone who had their pack established a short trip from here. Surely someone as methodical as Venom would have scouted this far out by now. Her uneasy answer of gathering her thoughts felt much more genuine, and Mav was inclined to believe that was closer to the truth—but not quite the whole truth. Before he could ask further into that vague response, Venom went on to explain how her family were nocturnal creatures, favoring the night. A wry, knowing smirk twitched across his lips as he chuckled under his breath. "That makes two of us," he remarked in passing. Maverick was a night owl himself, and while he didn't know if he'd go so far as to call himself nocturnal as she did, he definitely favored the solitude and tranquility of the night to the bustle of the day. "I like the night better anyway. It's more interesting than the day."

A pleasant tingling warmth began to slowly seep its way beneath his skin then, and Maverick knew the cannabis was starting to kick in. The dire brute stretched out his limbs and flexed his toes, getting himself comfortable with a pleased groan as the heady, relaxed sensations of the cannabis high began to creep over his body and mind. A small smile grew on his lips as did the sense of euphoria and heightened sensations along with it. Fixing his dark turquoise eyes on Venom from across the small space, Maverick asked the question he hadn't gotten a chance to before. "So what's got the thoughts of the prim and proper Venom Abraxas so muddled then?"


As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.