
Paint a picture in my head. Yellow, black, and red.



04-19-2022, 05:52 PM

Relaxing with her paws in the stream was simply wonderful, the ache leaving her and moving downstream. Her focus was centered on the water as it moved, envying it for the speed and fluidity but appreciating her own free will to go as she pleased. Water always took the easiest path and Jezebel couldn't say that she was the same. Shortcuts were nice, but not always effective, but she wasn't above using them.

A sound upstream caught her attention and she was quick to turn, noticing another massive wolf drinking from the stream. Not only were they the biggest wolf she'd ever seen, but he also had horns? And glowing fur?! She'd never seen anything like it before and soon she was standing and making her way over to the man at a slow pace, bi-colored eyes lost in the wonder that he was. Jezebel was smiling as she walked over, though it bordered on a smirk as she certainly wasn't being shy about looking him over.

"Well, hello Handsome." She almost purred after settling herself atop a rock, crossing her paws as they dangled off in front of her. She knew she was pretty, but he was more than that. The horns, the glowing, the size of him... All things she could never have believed possible, yet stood mere feet from her. Was she a little jealous of his beauty? Well...
