
CPS? What's that?




Expert Fighter (175)

Advanced Hunter (90)

4 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

Critical Fail!1K
04-19-2022, 06:15 PM
She wasn't sure why they lived by the river. Though she supposed she tolerated it because she could do what she wanted, when she wanted. Of course, without earning the ire of her grandfather. She trained day in and day out, trying to hone her skills to the best of her ability. Though some part of her longed for some sort of better structure like what a pack could offer. She kept to herself mostly. Though that had more to do with the fact she had been sick for a while, now she was better and ready to mingle with her littermates and family once again. She didn't want to be known as weak. She had a name to uphold be it Finnvi or Imperialis, she wanted to do them proud.

She raced back and forth along the shoreline, careful not to get too close to the edge so as not to fall in. Though eventually she stopped and began to stalk the trail of a beaver she had come across. Crawling under a piece of driftwood, she edged her way along the shore until she spotted it. It was a large specimen, and upon getting a closer look, would feed her for a couple of days at least. Smirking, she wiggled her rump as she stalked forward. The squelch of mud beneath her paws was irritating to say the last, but she was determined to get to that beaver.

She was doing well so far. That is, until she stepped in a spot that sucked her paw into the ground. She fell forward with the least amount of grace possible, and her struggle was all that was needed to alert the beaver to her presence. It slid into the water, slapping the surface with its tail before it disappeared beneath the surface. Grumbling and cursing under her breath like a sailor, she wiggled her leg out until she managed to wrench herself free. Her right foreleg was coated in mud, thick and heavy as it slicked the fur down. She kicked a rock at the water, pissed that she had just foiled her own hunt...