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5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
04-19-2022, 10:39 PM

Rudy smirked at Art’s comment on the antler’s not going away, rubbing his head one more good solid time, “oh I know, they just itch all the dang time.  I just hope these things stay on and don’t want to shed every year.”  So he constantly had an extra set of weapons? Nope, just to not deal with them growing back in every year.

Sitting down his larger brother got a hurt look, “I’m insulted Art.  I’d never attack you when the thought of preparing for it had already crossed your mind.” Of course, that’s what so often lead to it having to be a sneak attack.  A roguish grin planned on his lips, “I promise not to attack you during your ceremony.” Even Rudy had lines he wouldn’t cross it was fun seeing who knew Rudy well enough to know what the boundaries were.  

Rudy let his smile fade, a straight look on his face, “it’s bad Art.” The somber expression managed to hold for a dramatic few seconds before grinning, “Nah, just tellin' ya something.” A second’s pause, “So…” oh heck, it was Art so he'd give the real story and admit some of those minor details he’d probably skip with others. “I took Fern out for an ‘adventure’  to the falls down south.  So, we had a good time out there and then as we were coming back Fern gave me a surprise that probably beats any I gave you, or at least close to it.”

Admittedly Rudy preferred the one who couldn’t get surprised and instead surprised others but this was an exception.  “So I asked her what she wanted to do for the day and her response was to challenge me to a spar and the winner got the right to propose.” Rudy paused for effect before giving a sheepish grin, “in my defense, my mind really wasn’t able to focus fully on the fight.  So, yeah Fern won.  Aaaaaand I agreed.”

Rudyard Carpathius