
What You Don't Know



7 Years
10-03-2013, 11:00 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Sleep had been incredibly difficult lately, the birth of her children merely days away and her stomach that much wider for it. Most nights were spent tossing and turning uncomfortably, searching for a position that she could rest in but failing almost every time. Usually it ended in her giving up and finally just picking a position and staying in it, regardless of whether or not she could tolerate it, and then waking to find herself completely turned around. It was nothing like the restful nights she had had before her pregnancy, and she was looking forward to the whole ordeal being over with and having her pups sleep next to her rather than within.

This past night had been no different. The restless movements had finally subsided and she had drifted into slumber, likely to sleep in longer than usual for the lateness of her sleep. At least that would have been the case, if she had not had an early morning visitor.

She had no notion that another planned to seek her out that day. If anyone would have come by her den to wake her, she would have assumed it to be Bane checking on her and ensuring that both mother and children were well during her difficult night, and even then he would have likely waited until she stirred on her own. So when the voice practically whispered into the den, calling her name and requesting that she rise, she stirred with confusion, stretching as she drew in a deep breath and turned her head to peer out into the faint early morning light of Seracia.

A familiar face stood just outside the den, one that she had seen on occasion at pack meetings but not one that she had ever been personally introduced to. Brow furrowing as she rolled herself off of her side and onto her stomach, Tahlia quickly stifled a yawn before murmuring a somewhat sleepy, "Yes?" to the female outside.