
Tasty Treats And New Faces




6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
04-20-2022, 12:38 AM

Athena pulled a chuckle and a sly grin from him at her comment about him being good with his paws, the double meaning of that certainly not slipping by him. It had been a while since he had been with a female in heat and he had almost forgotten how even the smallest affection had such an impact. Everything from the kiss to her paw to the light, teasing kisses he gave her ears earned him quiet moans from the lovely lady at his side and he was already very much enjoying himself. He was far more of a giver than a taker in these things and greatly enjoyed bringing his partners pleasure—sometimes more than he cared about the pleasure he got himself. At her quiet, mumbled reply that agreed with his suggestion of making the "love" in "love day" more accurate, Ruga gave a low, pleased rumble and lifted one of his forelegs to slip it over her shoulders while he continued to kiss and nibble along her neck. There were no other questions that needed to be asked. She didn't make any moves or advances of her own and instead settled in to let him do his work which was perfectly fine with him.

He shifted and moved her body with him, moving them both onto their sides as he slipped one foreleg around her chest and another across her belly, pulling her slender frame back into his against his torso. He let her head rest on the upper part of his foreleg like a pillow while he cradled her against him and peppered the side of her neck with slow, lingering kisses and licks. His paws roamed across her torso, getting acquainted with her body and letting her enjoy the sensitivity that he knew came along with her current state. Her scent was intoxicating, especially with her this close, and he found himself nuzzling into her neck just to breathe her in and let himself get lost in her. The warmth and tension in his core naturally built with his desire while his paws worked her over, feeling every inch of her across her chest and belly for a few long moments just to let this time they had together last.

When his own desire for her built to a point where he just couldn't wait any longer, he held her tight against him with one paw hooked around her thigh to keep her in place as he started to join the two of them together. A low groan escaped him against her skin as he found the pleasure he needed from her and brought her the relief she undoubtedly needed as well. His paws continued to wander, enjoying her toned body while he made love to her, giving this celebration of love a real reason for its name. "Athena..." he moaned quietly against her neck, holding her tightly while he took them both to new heights.


"Ruga Amanto"