
Break Away




2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
04-20-2022, 10:15 AM

Just as she was beginning to stand she felt his paw on hers again to stop her. She held where she was, partially out of surprise that he even wanted her to stay and partially because deep down she didn’t really want to go. She definitely didn’t want to go back to Balthier right now with her emotions running so high so that would just leave her alone again with her own thoughts. She hesitated as Erys asked her to stay, still feeling guilty for disrupting his peaceful night with her problems, but eventually she did settle back down beside him. "Okay," She said softly as he insisted she didn’t have to say anything even though she felt like she owed him some kind of explanation now.

She was quiet while she attempted to untangle her thoughts while her heat and the desires that came from it continued to wreck havoc on her, She just wanted everything to be simple and easy, but it never was. Everything was always so complicated and she just felt like she was at a loss. Her side leaned gently into his while she laid with him, leaving her paw in his while she genuinely enjoyed his kind, calming presence.

"I’ve never slept with anyone besides my brother," she admitted softly, looking down at the ground in front of her. She couldn’t bring herself to look him in the eye while she shared what was bothering her even though she knew that kind of thing wasn’t exactly out of the norm here. One of Chimera’s queens was his sister after all. It was still hard for her to say, especially to this gentle man that she had only just met. But, once she started talking it all came out one after another. "He’s always taken care of me… I was sick for a very long time and our parents were gone when we were still pretty young. He loves me so much and I… I love him too…" She was hesitant at the end, always wondering if she actually loved him romantically or not, but she quickly moved past it.

"It’s just that… When we’re done he always seems so conflicted and guilty. Everything seems fine and wonderful until the very end. And I just… I don’t understand. Is… Is it normal? Should I feel bad too? Am I not supposed to want to feel good and have pleasure?" Her voice cracked a bit at the end as tears started to mist over her eyes and her ears fell back again, leaning into him more as she sought out any kind of comfort from these emotions she had been burying down and hiding for so long.
