
lonely in a crowded room



Intermediate Fighter (45)

Advanced Navigator (110)

5 Years
Paleo species
04-20-2022, 07:23 PM
He hadn’t really considered the possibility of the icebridge opening again, maybe it was possible but he didn’t think he would live to see it. Rannoch didn’t want to put any hope into his heart, not when the likelihood was almost impossible. The sooner he came to terms with his reality the happier a life he would live. Even if it would never really be complete. He ignored the thoughts the best that he could as Taiga answered him.

There was no argument, she knew as well as he did that this was nothing compared to the winter days to come. Of course she went on with a shrug, also mentioning the companionship that came along with the warmth. He had embraced his solitude, and he felt it now. As a herd animal he was wandering too far from the group. But here Taiga was to return him. She pointed out it only made sense for them to be in pairs, and that she wasn’t going to return to the other bachelors.

Before he could answer she closed the distance between them and lowered her long languid form beside his massive flank. Her tail lashed and hit his haunches, causing him to flinch lightly. It wasn’t her fault but his instincts remained hard to ignore. He relaxed as she leaned into him, and was thankful for the feeling of another body beside him. Despite willingly bedding alone.

Brows rose in surprise as she let out a pleased rumble, causing Rannoch to smile softly. He leaned against her and settled in comfortably. "Maybe a little extra warmth is nice.” He conceded softly as he lowered his neck over his shoulder, his massive antler resting over his back with his head while the other acted almost like a shelter over Taiga’s head.

Antler Status: Spring: Rannoch's antlers are very visibly growing as the great bulbous branches develop underneath soft velvet.