
My future rug is attacking me



Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Ranger Ranger

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
04-20-2022, 08:20 PM

The large blue wolf had learned to enjoy the icy jagged paths and peaks that made up Fenrir's maw.  It was a spot he’d visit frequently when looking for something to kill.  This included killing something for food or just killing another predator for the fact it was there.  Killing other predators was fun and more importantly, it helped him stay strong.  

The young boy was only a bit over a year but his mind was focused on being as capable in his skills as possible so that he could care for the pack, his brother, and himself.  Poking his head in one of the caverns he had yet to explore he started to step in when a sound came from behind him.  The polar bear had come from a lower path with a steep incline, its scent had been hidden and it blended in quite well in these parts.  

Chade didn’t wait, he charged at the polar bear straight away.  It wasn’t that he normally charged face-first at the bears but the bear was still below him instead of on his level yet.  It had helped the bear hide but now Chade would use that for his gain.  Chade slammed into the bear, one paw on its neck, one on its shoulder, and his teeth biting in that area between the bottom of the neck and shoulder.  The bear had more muscle but it had chosen the wrong moment to announce itself and Chade had the leverage.

Bear and wolf slid down the steep slope the bear had climbed up.  As they got lower to a level path the bear finally got a better stable bit of earth and managed to raise a paw up and swat Chade hard enough he let go and did something between a fall and stumble away from the bear.  His advantage was gone now.  Turning to face the angry bear it was a good sign the white pelt had a deep red stain on it but was Chade good enough yet to fight a polar bear all on his own?


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