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"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
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Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
04-20-2022, 09:22 PM
Ricin had tried to be kind and listen to what Chade had to say about the mountain and its sheep but the news he has to share is just too big to keep to himself. Life had started out rough for the brother’s but, with this promotion, it feels like the boys are turning a corner. No longer do they just exist from day to day, they are now flourishing and finding where they belong within the pack. At least, that is how Ricin sees. The pale boy watches his brother’s face as he shares the news, the grin on Chade’s face makes the lighter’s boy tail wag. Praise is offered and he takes it, reveling in the warm feeling that spreads through his chest. The words that follow the praise are met with a grimace, memories scratching at the back of his mind of trouble and not so smart ideas. Still, there is no sting or reprimand in them so the lighter boy brushes it off quickly.

When his darker half invites him to go to the mountain, Ricin feels his brows lifting in surprise even as head nods in vigorous acceptance. He misses the adventures that they went on, the small, hidden gems that he would find for them. The pull to run along the crazy paths and race Chade up to the peak tugs at him but Ricin stifles the urge to run there right now. Besides, there will be plenty of time for that later. Dark dipped paws dance in eagerness as the pale brother says, “That sounds like fun! When can we go? Tomorrow? The day after?” Ry will hold his brother to the promise of a brotherly escapade. When he suggests that Chade ask for a promotion too, he sees Chade’s smile fade and he comes up with some excuse about age. Then he explains about not wanting to mess things and Ricin gives his brother a knowing smile.

Without a word, Ricin offers his brother an affectionate nuzzle on the side of his face, a silent show of understanding and solidarity. When he steps back, he gives his brother a small smile as he says, “Age has nothing to do with it, Ny. You are talented! Manea will see and appreciate that. As for not wanting to mess things up…” shoulders offer a small shrug and his smile grows in size as he continues, “Life’s about learning Ny. Mistakes happen and we live and learn. Look at me, I made how many mistakes and now, here I am!” He laughs in genuine happiness; the twists life has given the brothers are being met… and conquered. Face takes on a thoughtful look as he adds, “You know, Manea is a very smart wolf.  I don’t think she would promote you if she didn’t believe you are up to the task. Also, she wouldn’t set you up fail either.” Another shrug before he finishes, “Maybe it’s time to let someone else make the call, Ny. You have always been hard on yourself. Just… trust your skills.” Ricin smiles to his brother, eyes bright with hope and happiness.

"Chade & Ricin"