
A Love Like War



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
04-20-2022, 09:52 PM

Alastor had never meant to hurt or upset Manea. He knew how possessive his mate was over him, but he'd never thought of the reason behind it. The insecurities and uncertainties that she hid, she hid well, even from him. He knew how exhausting feeling was, so the drain that came over her as she slumped her body down across his wasn't unexpected. Alastor welcomed Manea down over him with open arms, wrapping her up in his strong, secure embrace, massive paws roaming leisurely up and down her back while sharp claws gingerly scratched her back. She needed to rest, her pregnancy sapping her of the usual strength he knew she was capable of. Right now, his priority was taking care of her and their unborn pups. That was all that mattered to the Mendacium man. Manea's forelegs came up to loop around his neck while they cuddled, and he was happy to brush his muzzle and cheek back against hers with an affectionate purr. He accepted her quiet affections and wordless apology, but in his mind, there was nothing for her to apologize for. She had been suddenly terrified with the notion that someone else was stealing him away from her, and he couldn't fault her for that. He didn't know just what he'd be capable of if he felt threatened by some other brute. They were both equally possessive and jealous over one another, it seemed. They really were more alike in ways he didn't even realize.

Manea said she believed him, explaining how sometimes she just needed to be reminded that he was hers, all while her feline claws combed through the fur on his scruff, making Alastor's eyelids flutter while quiet groans of delight rumbled in his chest. "You were protecting what is yours. There's no fault in that," he remarked in even understanding. "But if reminding that you are the only one who will ever possess me is what you need, I'm happy to satisfy that need..." A little grin slid its way over Alastor's lips while Manea seemingly already had the same idea as him, her soft lips brushing over his in not quite a kiss before sliding down to his neck and throat. The dire brute showed no resistance as he lifted his chin to bear his throat to her, murring with each kiss she placed where her paw had been squeezing the life from him just moments before. It had been such an erotic and intense experience, and Alastor couldn't say he wouldn't tempt Manea to do it to him again just for the heady rush of being choked by her. He felt her shapely hips slide back to press gently into his while she teased along his skin, coaxing a muffled groan of surprised delight from the brute, who responded with roaming paws making their way down to her rump to grope and squeeze over her, kneading her ass between strong digits and soft paw pads. He knew what Manea was doing. She was the alpha, she had to lay claim over what was hers. This was her way of reminding both of them that he was hers and she was in charge and Alastor loved when she got like this.

All the while Manea continued to cover his vulnerable throat in slow kisses, Alastor continued to feel up his wife, massaging over her hips and rump and around the base of her tail while she quickened his pulse with every press of her lips to his tender flesh. Eventually she moved back up the curve of his throat, and when her lips claimed his in a firm kiss, Alastor groaned out his desire into her mouth, his tongue finding hers in wordless profession of his love and lust for her. The violet fae atop him began to roll and press her hips back into his in slow, firm movements, drawing more groans from her dire brute while he squeezed her rump in time with her motions, helping guide their hips together as she ground herself against his most sensitive and intimate parts. There was no mistaking what she wanted from him, and Alastor was prepared to give Manea everything she wanted. Together the two lovers worked themselves against one another, getting the other hot and bothered in a slow burn of passion and lust. After some time of eager foreplay, Manea broke their kiss and parted with a lick to his lips, tempting Alastor to follow her. The dark brute rolled to his paws in a hurry, following his queen into their private alcove at the back of their den where their bedding was, the entire space practically covered in warm, soft furs from all their hunts, turning all of the alcove into one giant bed for them to roll around in during their moments of passion.

With the promise of make up sex thinly veiled behind Manea's tail brushing over his muzzle, Alastor watched his wife's sultry movements with a lecherous grin, then swiftly followed her onto their bed as she lay down and stretched herself out upon it. Gazing down at her with infatuation that bordered on obsession, Alastor gazed at Manea as if she were the most prized treasure in the world, hungry eyes roaming over her beautiful and voluptuous form, lingering for a moment around the subtle swell of her midsection. He had already quelled her heat and planted his seed in her belly, but seeing her in the process of becoming a mother again made her even more beautiful and attractive to him in primal ways he didn't care to question. Manea rolled onto her back, an unusually submissive position for the matriarch, and presented herself to him with open legs and a beckoning paw. Alastor's grin widened, devouring her with his salacious gaze while he prowled over top of her like a ravenous predator, no doubt giving her a great view of all of his assets from her position beneath him.

Once above her, Alastor lowered his body to hers, feeling her silken fur of her belly brushing against his while he captured her mouth in another deep kiss. Alastor positioned himself between Manea's hind legs, settling himself over her fully, strong forelegs moving to wrap his paws around her waist—and then he was flipping them over, flopping to his back on the bed while rolling Manea's nubile body up over his so she was lying atop him once more, their bodies pressed fully together. His lips left hers with a lustful gleam in his eye and a playfully roguish grin on his face. "This is me reminding you..." he whispered to her in a deep, husky tone punctuated by quiet growls for her. His paws groped at her hips again, not so subtly guiding her down to stiffening parts of himself. "Go for as long as your body will let you. Then I'll take over, my Manea." Manea had wanted to be reminded that he belonged to her and that she was the dominant fae here, and so Alastor would remind her in the best way he knew how. And when she needed her alpha male to take over, he'd be sure to bring her to mind-numbing peaks of pleasure in turn.

"Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
