
Have Fun, They Said. It's Easy, They Said.

Kalyke & Onyx Bonus Seasonal



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (165)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

4 Years

Critical Fail!Ooh La La
04-21-2022, 01:16 PM
The beeswax that is firmly lodged in Kore’s ear canals blocks out the sound of the world around him. It is strange, looking around and seeing the birds sitting on branches but not hearing the songs they are singing. A feeling of isolation begins to settle over the pup that is cloaked in the night sky. Eyes roam over the world around, ears instinctively moving to try and pick up sounds but finding none. Huffing, the boy calms his mind and closes his eyes, lifting his nose slightly to scent the breeze. His sense of smell seems to sharpen in response to the lack of hearing and, with his eyes closed, nose pulling in the smells, the nebula-hued pup is able to layout a map in his mind. Nose gently twitches as he finds his family’s scents, placing them on his mental checkerboard with each sniff. Many are down by the water, enjoying the cool breeze that flows off the river, while Kal seems to playing in the brush some ways off.

Brows furrow when he finds another, unknown wolf’s scent lingering on the wind and he places a red marker on his mental map to keep better track of them. For a while, the boy just stands there, mapping out his world in a new way. Nose twitches as he captures all the smells and, to his great surprise, finds things that he might normally miss; like the traces of honeysuckle that hide under everything. Sure, he cannot hear anything but Kore is finding there is so much more to world then just sounds. In his mind’s eye he watches as Kalyke gives up on his play and begins to make his way toward Kore and their family den, while the unknown wolf begins to move away from the shore line. The wind shifts and alarm spreads through the galaxy-painted boy, causing his eyes to snap open and his paws to pull him toward Kal and deadly bear that seems to have appeared out of thin air.

Kore cannot hear the roar of the agitated grizzly but he doesn’t need to, his nose leads him true and soon he finds his brother, who has vines wrapped around his neck, and is just in time to watch as the unknown female smacks right into bear’s ass. Groaning inwardly, the pup wonders how they can chase off a bear with him deaf, the unknown wolf apparently blind, and Kal struggling to breathe. What was that word his grandfather used a lot? Fuck. Is this a ‘fuck’ type situation? As the stranger backs up to snap at thin air, he groans out loudly. Looking to Kal, Kore begins to form a plan and shouts, “Kal! Get to the lady and help to keep her balanced. I don’t think she can see. I’ll keep the bear’s attention! Figure out how to let her know when and where to strike!” Since he has beeswax in his ears, Kore cannot tell how loud his voice is, so when he speaks, he makes sure try and raise his voice since it wouldn’t help if he was whispering everything.

After asking Kalyke to become the blind lady’s seeing eye wolf, Kore rushes in to fulfill his part of the plan. He isn’t afraid of the bear or the situation, just annoyed that they all seem to all have something ‘wrong’ with them. However, if they can learn how to help each other overcome their disadvantages, the galaxy boy is certain they can drive this grizzly away. For a pup, Kore is surprisingly agile and graceful, which quckily becomes apparent as he runs in, dodging swing paws and snapping jaws to deliver a strong bite to the angry beast’s back leg before weaving his way out from under the deadly creature, Kore reappears behind the bear, moving to join Kal and the unknown wolf. Looking to the other two, Kore offers a grin before readying himself to strike again.

WC: 661
Total WC: 2002/3500

"Kore Regni"