
Pirate Skulls and Bones [joining]



5 Years
Extra large
10-03-2013, 11:44 PM

He probably should have been paying more attention to where Maija was standing, but she had asked him to help carry the carcass and his first thought had been to move to the rear of the animal, since that was the heaviest part. He had completely bipased the fact that she was standing directly in front of that particular part of the animal. He didn't really notice until he saw her skitter away to the front part of the carcass. Brows creased together in a frown but he didn't linger on it. She was already picking up the doe's neck and he needed to do his part. Powerful jaws would reach down to snap around the spine of the animal, daggers digging into the thick flesh of the haunches. The titan would lift his head, shoulders rolling forward and tense in order to aid the lifting of the doe. They didn't look like much, but they were a pretty decent weight.

And then the golden woman would move forward, beginning the trek to store away her food. The King would walk with a rigid stance, the deer's rump continuously bumping against his massive chest with each step that was taken. There was a bit of strain on his neck, but it was nothing the gargantuan couldn't handle. They moved through the land, some of looking vaguely familiar. He was still getting to know his home, so some parts weren't known to the King yet but they would be within time. Taurig was aware that they had reached their destination when Maija lowered the head of the deer before stepping around it and beginning to dig a hole to bury it in. He would drop his part of the carcass, stepping back to allow her to do her digging. She hadn't asked for his help, so he didn't want to intrude.

And then the unexpected happened. A crack of thunder roared in the distance, though that distance wasn't very far. Icy gaze was directed towards the heavens, noticing the heavy clouds that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. A breeze swept in, heavy with moisture. There was going to be a storm, he could feel it. His guard hairs stood on end, able to feel the impending electricity that circled in the atmosphere. Hurry! came Maija's frantic call and the gargantuan sprung into action. He was standing before her in the next moment, his massive paws digging away at the dirt, tearing it away to help widen the hole. With his help they were able to make the hole in record time and get the carcass into it and covered before the water ruined it. But unfortunately, they weren't quick enough to find proper shelter. The golden woman tried to get under some foliage, but her coat was completely drenched to the bone. Taurig didn't bother trying to get under anything, letting the water soak his coat and press it against his frame. He was used to being out in harsh weather. It had all been part of his training. But Maija didn't seem to share his experience.

Giving himself a brief shake to get rid of excess water the titan would pad up to her, motioning with his skull for her to follow him. Lucky for her, they were close to his den and it was the perfect shelter from the rain. The water was light now, but he could feel it getting stronger. If they didn't hurry to his den, they would be stuck in a torrential downpour and that wasn't fun at all. He waited until she began to follow him before he loped back towards his ledge den, turning to glance over his shoulder at her, using his muzzle to point towards his den. Massive paws came to a halt outside of his den, expectant gaze on Maija as he waited for her to get inside the den first. She need to dry off before he did. She was after all now his pack member and he always looked out for his pack members.

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