
Putting On A Show




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
04-21-2022, 10:32 PM
It seemed as though how much Relm had opened up to Alastor and would have let him study every page of her, he also didn't fully know the differences she crossed since she was young and growing into her early adolescence. When she had joined Alastor under his protection, she was in this era of fear in her life. The early days around him she kept herself secluded, she hunted for Elysium while they were still a band but she stayed outside. She really didn't fully trust any of them, not even Al at the time. And maybe that's why he was noticing such a change in her. Because once upon a time she wanted to have fun, she was silly, and she was a little harsh too. When they had met again she was a completely different withdrawn and fearful girl. She could open up to him a little differently now that the chapter of Kefka was over. He was only making it easier for her.

Relm may have teased him a little, but she was more focused on what they were doing. Anytime Alastor may have glanced at her she missed, and in her steps she was not watching and waving and hoping to be noticed. Everything was natural, just the pair on their hunt. Of course the last time they had been together all she had said still stood and while she kept the main goal in mind she couldn't help that little urge to get Alastor's attention. And it was just as she said, she wouldn't ask him for it.

They closed in on the small elk herd ahead of them, both large wolves experienced in their stealthy steps leading up to the prey. With her eyes still forward to make contact with the herd, Relm gently smiled at his question, "You strike me as the type to like a challenge." Still a little humorous, more of her true colors showing. The herd she could see ahead of them in the distance, they were downwind so it would be easier for them to get closer. "So are you up for it then?" She questioned him back, ready to test their luck with raw talent and of course their mental connections as a hunting pair. That shouldn't have been difficult for them. "I'll wait for you to be ready." She spoke again before walking ahead of him and taking just a slightly different angle on their elk. She would wait for Alastor to take the lead on the chase.
