
What You Don't Know



7 Years
10-04-2013, 12:01 AM (This post was last modified: 10-04-2013, 12:01 AM by Tahlia.)

Walk | Talk | Think

For her curt tone, she had half expected the other wolf to simply leave and lose interest in conversing with her. But rather than take offense, she stayed quite stoic and answered in her quiet voice that she had no prior knowledge of the children conceived outside of Seracia until the meeting. Tahlia made a quiet, "Hmph," to herself, still not understanding the meaning of this wolf coming all this way to wake her early until she admitted to sharing feelings that she had. That Bane should be left alone.

It caught her by surprise immediately. Most she had heard talk about him - save for the odd leopard who had interceded at their proposal - had all been negative. No one seemed to take his side on anything. Until now. Why? she wondered, though she could hardly bring herself to say it.

Surely the puzzled look about her face spoke the question for her, and it was inadvertently answered by the woman. Her allegiance with Bane was simple: she had mated with him as well.

It felt for a moment as if her stomach had fallen as the news sank in. Another mate? Another child? But he had never mentioned this. And even that was answered. He had never been told. Apparently it had never never meant to happen. She had defied his instructions and carried the child to full term, but he had died in the end. It was distressing news for her, particularly since she carried his children presently. Could some ill fate reminiscent of this poor pup's be the fate of her children as well?

An offer was made of assistance, a kind gesture to someone who had grown to see value in Bane and, now it seemed, Tahlia too. She hardly knew how to answer, her thoughts still caught up on worrying about her pups, but she managed to nod her head gratefully. "Thank you," she muttered quietly, pausing a moment before adding, "He never mentioned this to me."