
Taste Of Her Cherry Chap Stick



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
04-23-2022, 02:31 PM

The diminutive purple fae had followed them easily and without protest, much to Alastor's delight. It meant she knew what they were planning and she was keen for it as well. Good; a willing lady was much more fun than a resistant one—although those ladies had their own perks and entertainment to them as well. All it took was Duchess playing voyeur to him making out with his wife for a few moments and a sultry look from Manea to get her to come over and settle down on the furs with them with a grin on her lips. Alastor grinned back, black eyes smoldering with a dark lust as he held her rich heterochromatic eyes. As much as he wanted to devour this little morsel right away, Alastor played things slow, watching with intense interest as the tiny dame ran a paw over Manea's long forelegs while she tested the waters, patiently observing as she gave into her desires and soon pressed a full kiss to his mate's lips. The grin on Alastor's lips shifted into something far more base and carnal, watching with lecherous glee while Manea struck like a viper, one of her large, powerful leonine paws grasping Duchess by the back of her head so the other woman couldn't pull away while Manea dominated her mouth with her tongue. The sight was erotic and sensual, and Alastor was loving the show his wife was putting on for him with their newest toy. It was one of the things that made their relationship so heated and explosive—the fact that both Manea and Alastor got off of turning the other one on in any way they could.

Alastor didn't feel left out at all as he enjoyed Manea's performance with Duchess, listening to the sounds both women made as they made out and tasted one another, lustful rumbles of growls starting to grow in his chest as heat pooled between his thighs. His eyes never strayed, never moving away from either woman as the degenerate voyeur enjoyed himself. When Manea did finally break the kiss, it was only to forcefully pull Duchess' head back so she could continue to ravage the woman with licks and kisses and nibbles to her delicate throat. Then Manea was turning Duchess and clutching the tiny fae close to her body, their violet coats blending almost perfectly together while Duchess fit like a puzzle piece against Manea's belly. Alastor gave an aroused growl of appreciation to his mate's offering and wasted no time moving in on Duchess. He'd been dying to get a taste of her himself since the day she'd arrived at their border, practically fucking him with her eyes in front of his wife and the alphess of the pack.

With Manea holding Duchess still for him, Alastor slid his massive, muscled form up to sandwich the minuscule fae between the two alphas, one giant black paw coming up to grasp Duchess' muzzle as guide it to his while he pressed his mouth with firm insistence and hungry desire to hers. He held her like that, not because he thought she might pull away from him, but because he enjoyed asserting his dominance over her in much the same way Manea was doing, taking dominion over her body until their lusts had been slaked and both of them had been deeply satisfied by their guest. Alastor growled into their kiss, parting her lips with his own to slide his tongue into her maw and taste her like Manea had only moments before. He felt Manea's paw slide between them, trailing down Duchess' belly and grazing his own while she found her way between the other woman's legs, doubtlessly seeking out the fae's most intimate parts to get her squirming for the two dires. Pressing his own firming maleness into the soft fur of Duchess' belly just above where Manea's paw was playing with her, Alastor's hackles bristled with anxious delight; he couldn't wait to taste their toy's sounds of pleasure in their kiss.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
