
Let Me Be Me




5 Years

Trick 2019
04-23-2022, 04:15 PM
Erys would probably be the least affected by Chimera’s reclusiveness the last few days. He had noticed how much more quiet and pensive the King was. The galactic marked man hadn’t shirked any of his duties. He fed Chimera in his office at night, did his chores and worked during the day, and was there when he asked him to follow for a bit of extra work. Chimera led him to one of the better condition boats in the harbor, and the two of them would spend the day cleaning and tidying the dusty vessel.

There weren’t too many words between them as the two men worked together to clean up the space. Erystotle could already see the potential as soon as his dainty paws stepped foot aboard. Chimera did have good taste. After the long day of working their toes to the bone, when the sun was beginning to set and the moon began to rise they would cease. The work was tiring but fulfilling and Erys was tired by the time Chimera declared them done for the day.

Silvery eyes watched as the King made himself comfortable there on the deck of the boat. Erys was invited to stay the night on the boat, and he had to admit that he didn’t want to make the trek back to his rooms. It was much more desirable to curl up against Chimera’s side that night. The pearlescent man padded slowly up to monochrome form of his King, a soft and tired smile playing on his features.

He was much more comfortable around Chimera now than when he was first brought into the pack. There was no hesitation as he lowered himself beside the King, just within grabbing distance. "We made good progress today,” He commented quietly as he silvery gaze sought to catch Chimera’s and he made himself comfortable.

"Erystotle Atlas"