
Let Me Be Me




5 Years

Trick 2019
04-23-2022, 05:14 PM
Chi nodded slightly when Erys commented softly, they really had put a lot of effort into this place. There were still many finishing touched to be done, but it was comfortable now. He wondered if it might not be a bad idea to dip in the ocean water to get the dinge out of his coat. Of course, he couldn’t focus on the dirt in his coat when Chimera turned his gaze his way. Erys grinned as he was thanked, and given full permission to make himself comfortable here. It was going to be Chimera’s get away, but Erys was invited. Hat made the once slave’s heart swell, and a delicate paw was brought to his chest. He was very touched.

"Thank you, my King.” He offered with a little bow of his head. They fell into an easy silence for a moment as the boat rocked back and forth. Erys wasn’t sure he would be able to keep awake for much longer, but he could while he was talking to Chi. The King’s deep voice rumbled again, explaining his distance and the deeper intricacies of the relationships he carried. "She voiced her displeasure with you?” He asked, quite surprised at the revelation. Erys couldn’t imagine being displeased with Chimera, let alone saying it out loud. Maybe it really was the difference in sex.

Chimera did go on to ask about Erys over the past few weeks and he actually managed a baby blush when he thought about Azzurra. "The girl, Azzurra, came to me in the night not so long ago.” He confessed with a nervous bite in his belly as he admitted it. "She was distressed, so I held her, and.. She asked if I would be with her.” Erys went on, "I brought her to my bungalow and we.. spent the night together.” By now his cheeks were rosy red, it had been the first sexual encounter he had that was of his choosing. Along with his first time enjoying a woman, and he truly had enjoyed his time with Azzurra.

"Erystotle Atlas"