
Break Away




5 Years

Trick 2019
04-23-2022, 06:56 PM
The girl didn’t hesitate to follow behind him as he led her towards his bungalow. Somewhere cozy and private. If not because of her, but because it was for him. Erys couldn’t just have her on the courtyard, it was too much like what had been done to him. Instead, he welcomed her into his home. Her look of awe as he opened the door was satisfying in itself. He was rewarded as she seemed to relax here in his cozy little getaway. She told him it was beautiful as he passed the water to her.

He could smell the wine on her breath and knew she would do well with a long drink of water. She responded sweetly to his subtle affections and as he caught her gaze under those long lashes his belly fluttered nervously and excitedly. She made no secret of what was desired from him, and it was easy to lead her to the bed. She lay down on her back so his belly was against hers as he lifted himself to the cloudy bed over her. She was warm and welcoming, and her movements helped to guide his own. He’d never been with a woman before, but it was easy to lose himself in her.

He’d seen her sorrow but now she would also show him the joy they could create together. Erys would help her forget as much as she was about to help him to forget. He held her, and as he leaned forward to kiss her Azzurra grasped back at him. She melted against his lips and wrapped her pale arms around his neck. Their eyes closed as they both fell into the tender affections. Her toes wound their way into his scruff as he pressed against her thin frame. He felt the warmth of her, the deep kindling desire. He wanted more, she had solicited him but Erys was indulging in the intoxication as well. She whined softly into his kiss, and her need echoed in himself. He inhaled sharply as the sudden deep need he had for her.

One pale paw trailed down her hip as his weight balanced on the elbow that cradled her cheek. Erys went to guid her hips to align with his own as all of her limbs wrapped around him. He grinned into their kiss before he pulled away to look into her brilliant eyes. The lingering sadness had dissipated, but Erys would banish it for the night. He held onto her and finally joined their bodies with great care. The experience was nothing like Erys had ever experienced before. Pleasure and euphoria cleared his mind as Azzurra overwhelmed him. He moved with her, letting her lead him so the both of them could climb divine heights together.

"Erystotle Atlas"