
Putting On A Show




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
04-23-2022, 10:20 PM
Relm’s paws held the elk’s neck down while her jaw held the antlers at just the right angle for Alastor to conquer it. She only watched in full admiration with his moment of triumph as he savored the life taking of the giant deer. Not a feeling she could fully relate to but she loved seeing him this way. She only watched silently as the elk bled out in his jaws and on the grasses, releasing it as it’s struggle ended and it twitched it few times until it was completely gone.

Relm’s eyes stayed on the elk for a moment, her paws adjusting on its neck and further down on it’s shoulder to get it prepared for either gutting or the haul back to Elysium, but her gaze moved to Alastor if only for a second before he caught more of her attention. She paused for a moment if Alastor allowed her too, seeing the way he looked at her in the high of his kill. She had things on her mind for sure, but she guessed she wasn’t expecting him to be so ready so quickly. It would only make sense for the inner makings of Alastor.

Her expression turned from curiosity to desire in less than a second, and maybe he couldn’t even see the change in her. It wasn’t so obvious in the ways she admired him up to this moment.

Instantly her paws moved over the elk while her stomach lined up with it’s own shoulder and she instantly pushed forward to kiss him, or more so taste the elk’s blood from his lips. It made to process much easier for her while she struggled to find a comfortable ground in herself. It wasn’t the best, but she supposed she would learn. And with Alastor’s kill running down his throat she didn’t find it so hard to pursue. She wondered if he was in the right mind to take control of her, or if this would end up the day he killed Kefka. She really didn’t care however, she was ready to take him in any form that possessed him.
