
Let me prove myself



Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Ranger Ranger

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
04-23-2022, 10:29 PM

Chade had spent the day with Ricin.  For the first time in months, the two had spent a day together on an adventure.  It had felt like forever since the two had spent quality time with each other as they both kept busy helping the pack in their own ways.  It had been refreshing, roaming with his brother, exploring the world together now that they weren’t small and helpless.  Two wolves, strong in their own right and able to handle the world.  It had felt good.

Chade had been thinking about how the world had changed and how he had changed.  Once he’d hoped to just be good enough to be allowed in a pack and now he was a capable member who earned his keep and did it well.  Now it was evening and Chade made his way towards Manea’s den and paused just short of going in, “Hi Manea? Do you have time? I wanted to ask you for something.”  She could be busy or maybe even already asleep if she had a long day or be otherwise busy.

The dark blue boy waited as he wondered if he could really get the roll of Rapax.  He was oddly nervous about asking.  This felt like when he had just started getting real lessons in hunting and he'd been worried of messing up.  If he didn't deserve the role that was fine.  Chade had never imagined in his past that a future could include him asking to take on a leaderly role in a pack and if he wasn't fit for it then no dreams were smashed.  Chade thought the world of Manea and Alastor.  So it wasn't the job, it was what if they didn't think he was good enough and found flaws in him?  Logic told him that was stupid and they would have spoken with him on any problems.  There were few wolves who had an opinion Chade worried about, two of the three lived in the den he was near.  

Chade could never pay Manea back for letting Ry and him stay in the pack but he'd do his best to give as much of himself as he could to make up a percentage of it.  She hadn't just given them a chance to live, she'd given them home.  Amazing how many thoughts and emotions could fly through ones mind in a short period of time.  

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