
Nothing To Say




4 Years
Chrono I

04-24-2022, 07:30 PM

With Chimera in suit with her, they made their way towards Bent Canyon with Reila under the yoke of the cart. That was all fine with her, she wouldn't have had it any other way. Her delighted gaze tilted towards Chimera as he asked what she had in mind for the hunt. "I was considering more gazelle, they seem to be plentiful in the area." She mentioned though without really tracking a herd nearby just yet.

They arrived in the bottom of the canyon where Reila unloaded her few supplies she brought along with her. A net that she started to tie one corner up along the scarce branches of the canyon wall and than another corner below on some dry shrubs. The net wall wouldn't be camouflaged, but that's just what she wanted. When they ran the prey through here they would corner them into the slow stream of water and then take their kill. That, or it would run through the net and that would tangle them up instead.

While she worked setting up just the first side of the net for now to get it nice and tight, she glanced up to Chimera before going back to her task. A small maybe humorous grin on her maw, "I was starting to think you didn't like me." It was a joke, and she wouldn't have expected Chimera to really even respond. But she didn't think he had anything against her at least. From their last time hunting together she was actually less fluid and comfortable around him. With not too much time away from him it was still hard for her to think she could be beautiful or desirable in his presence. She at least didn't let that fester into any harsh feelings towards him. She didn't sway her hips or flash him sultry glances this time. She wasn't trying to get that sort of attention from him today.
