
Now the devil won't leave me alone


10-04-2013, 04:04 AM

Mismatched paws would press firmly down into the damp earth near the river. He hadn't been here before, but he figured he would start exploring the lands around his newfound pack. And what better way then visiting the biggest body of water this side of Alacritis? The thought excited him, he loved the water and he couldn't wait to find a decent spot and maybe do some fishing to bring food back to the pack. His pack wasn't very large, however. Still on the small side, but it seemed to him that new wolves were coming at a steady pace. He admires his Alpha too, strong and kind and wise. Though he boy had yet to see him in action, he was sure that Taurig had no problems holding his own in battle.

A small splash in the nearby water would pry him from his thoughts, his oceanix blue orbs catching the sight of a leaping fish as it flailed back into the depths of the water. With a grin, he was tempted to rush in and find the suckers. Though this part of the river didn't seem too safe. The young male would trot along, every now and then turning his head to see a fish flip itself out of the aqua turf. One fish would fly from its watery home, but its luck would be unfortunate as it flew too close to the sun and landed squarely on shore. Tidus watched as its misfortune landed it on the dirt, and--

His head would tilt to the side, was that another wolf? Yes, yes it was. had the scent of an unfamiliar pack on it...with apprehension, he would approach with care. The closer he got, the more he could scent the strangers pack scented of blood, of despair...just what pack did she belong to? His eyes would deter away from the fish that flopped weakly near the woman, all interest in the creature now gone as his curiosity would fall on her instead. "Excuse me there a reason that you're so close to Tortugan territory?" Though they were not actually at the borders, the Tortugan borderline was not all that far away. And he wanted to make sure that she was no potential threat...and if she was, then he'd stop her before reaching Tortuga borders. His words would come out with a hint of friendliness, even though her pelt smelled suspicious...he was curious as to what she was doing here so far from her pack.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think