
not maybe, definitely



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
04-25-2022, 01:53 PM

Maverick watched Venom's internal struggle behind those rich plum rubies she called eyes, seeing the battle waging within herself. He was turning her whole world on its head and he was aware of it. Getting someone as caged within themselves as far as he had gotten her so far was a victory in its own right. Now he was just seeing how far he could get the alphess to go. It was all in her benefit, of course. Maverick would have been the same with or without her imbibing in his lifestyle and joining him in liberty. He wanted her to join him though, wanted to see that moment of release when Venom set herself free. Ever the agent of chaos and change, Maverick found no greater joy than wolves living life to the fullest. Now it was up to the empress whether she would take that leap of faith with him or remain standing on the ledge watching the world pass her by.

For a long while, Venom debated and battled herself, and Mav began to fear that she would talk herself out of it. She gazed deeply in his eyes and shut her own, her breathing slow yet labored. The dire brute waited, holding out hope that she wouldn't back down now. He wouldn't force her to do so though; she would need to be the one to take that step to the other side. Venom didn't say a word, and a brief moment passed where Mav wondered if he had made a misstep by offering her too much at once. But when those sunset eyes opened once more and he felt her tense form begin to unwind beside him, he knew he'd convinced her. A white-gloved paw took the bottle from him, and he watched with a delighted and cheeky grin while she swallowed from the bottle. What took him by surprise the most though was when she not only began to drink from the spiced rum, but also leisurely shifted her body so her slender form was reclining into his athletically muscled frame.

Turquoise eyes blinked with surprise, but the grin never left his visage while he lifted one strong forearm to drape across Venom's side, boldly embracing the empress to him while she began to enjoy her second and third tastes of the vices he offered. With his foreleg around her side, Maverick went to place his paw upon Venom's opposite side, letting gentle paw pads trace over the feminine curves of her sleek form, both the obvious ones of her waist and chest, but also the subtle ones just beneath her ribcage and along the curve of her belly. Her fur was so delicately soft and well groomed, feeling more akin to silk than fur. With her nestling into him like this, Maverick was able to lean his muzzle in toward her forehead, ever so slowly brushing his snout across her crown and down behind the feathery fur just behind her ear, drinking in her scent while she adjusted to everything. Maverick was a lover of many flavors, and while he did often enjoy a good, rough romp in the sheets, tonight he would go at Venom's pace. Who knew how long it had been since she'd been well and truly loved, and with her injury, he would be doubly careful with her. If she wanted to just cuddle and enjoy their high, he would be content with that as much as he would if he got to indulge in her tonight as well.

For a while, Maverick quietly covered Venom in little shows of affection. His wandering paw never ceased its movements along her side, letting his claws comb through her soft fur to scritch gingerly along her warm skin, treating her as Venom and not as Empress Abraxas just as he said he would. He embraced her feminine form into his masculine frame, keeping her held snug, secure against him in a wordless show of protection while he enjoyed her weight and warmth pressed up against him. Maverick was a rogue and a scoundrel to be sure, but Venom would be safer with no one else tonight. "There you go... You're alive now, Venom Abraxas," he whispered with his lips against the back of her ear, nuzzling into her cheek right where her jaw met her skull. "Tell me to stop at any time." There, he'd given Venom a ripcord to pull if she wanted to back out at any point, though he doubted she'd use it now. Once he got started showing her how a woman like her deserved to be treated, he was betting she wouldn't even remember her ex-husband come the morning, replaced by memories of the night they would share together now. That was his intent. If only the other man had known how badly he'd fucked up by leaving a woman like Venom. Oh well... his loss was Mav's gain, and soon would be Venom's pleasure.


As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.