
Goodnight, Sleeptight, Don't let the dead bite

Jupiter I


7 Years
10-04-2013, 05:36 AM

Perhaps all of her work had been futile in trying to forcefully convince him to release her; maybe deep down she'd known the whole time that her right paw was going to be out of order after this match. Her breath nearly completely escaped her and almost refused to return as his pressure multiplied and she felt her toes break, one by one, with a series of sickening snaps. In return she also tried to tighten her grip, no longer wishing to merely injure, but hopefully maim. She barely felt his claws irritating the skin past her thick fur, leaving slight scratches but nothing more. This time when he attempted to bring her down, she was in too much pain to counter it and she went down. As he pushed and she fell to the right upon her side, she still did her best to keep her grip firmly and relentlessly on his muzzle, craning her neck to reach and propping up her upper body with her left limb as she regained a sense of where the ground was. Jupiter felt herself dizzying from the pain and didn't trust herself to let go or else she might not have been able to find another target in her daze.

It would be her turn to thrash and should she still have a hold on the vulnerable area she would amplify her force as he release her paw, keeping the injured appendage tucked against her stomach for protection. Jupiter herself would now be the one to thrash, attempting to jerk the weight of her body to her left and then to the right, and upon the last stroke to the right she would suddenly drop to hopefully hang upon him, centering her weight forward to put it all behind the pressure of her grip and removing her left leg so it would not subtract from the weight. Knowing that this would cause her to lose her grasp if he found some way to have his head tilt from her mass, she released it on her own, still a little disoriented but being able to track his movements well enough to understand what he was likely going to do.

With Jupiter no longer clutching the brute with her teeth, the celestial woman dropped to the earth, bracing herself only by bending her left leg and using it as a support. She stooped about a half foot above the ground and then threw her own body leftwards as he threw his own right, hoping to trip him since her lowered collective height reached only up halfway past his knees. She sincerely hoped that he would fall sharply and directly onto his side and lose his breath long enough for her to react but Oddity had already proved to be a painfully challenging opponent. The woman knew she could not stick around long after the fight--the excruciating pain in her paw was near-crippling, dulled only by the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

Out of habit, her neck was still scrunched and her ears were still pinned, just in case he had enough time to react and try and make a grab at either. Her eyes were narrowed as well considering that the brute seemed to have a tendency for grabbing or flailing and she wished to preserve her optics should a stray claw come too close. Tail was thrown even and her left paw was still tucked firmly to her chest for protection. Shoulders were still tucked forward and her shoulder blades were hidden under her fur, her head lowered and tail out even.

It was just then that the magnitude of this challenge for Ludicael hit her. She had been pampered--spoiled almost--in the years that her reign had gone uncontested. Her children, her friends, her lover... they were all important to her and all of that was now at risk of being taken away. Determination surged within her heart and, whether her attack would work or not, at the end of her movement she would attempt to execute a single-turn roll to cushion her momentum and begin the early stages of it, well on her way to rising as soon as possible, evening her weight to the best of her abilities upon three paws.

round 4/4

jupiter vs. oddity for ludicael

ATTACKS: Still attempting to hold on to his muzzle. Jerks her head left, and then right, and then on the latter she drops her weight suddenly, pulling up her left leg to try and do as much damage to the bridge of his maw before finally releasing it. As he throws himself to the right, she stoops and throws her weight similarly to the left, trying to trip him.

DEFENSES: Shoulders forward, shoulder blades down, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, tail even, injured paw tucked to her chest for protection.

INJURIES: Has a painful, 1/4th-inch-deep wound on the upper top of her neck that will likely scar. Painfully broken toes on her right paw. Has wide cuts/gouges on top of her right paw and ankle, as well as her pads cut in a couple of places, from where his teeth dragged down her flesh. Minor scratches on her chest from his claws.

OOC: Yaaaay! Finally done. c: It was nice fighting with you~


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.