
Heavy Lies the Crown




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
04-25-2022, 04:49 PM

If Resin had been unfeeling before, being here.. wherever they were, had amplified that lack of emotion. She still retained the knowledge of how she should act and tried to do so to an extent. Despite the emotional emptiness, Resin was attentive as her son spoke. He had things that he wanted to discuss with her and she was willing to listen. Black ears perked once more as the boy began. Bowen and Oxx. She remembered their names and could see their faces in her minds eye. She was somewhat curious as to what Artorias would say about her children.

Artorias began to speak and Resin listened. Bowen had returned and the ashen woman vaguely recalled this information. Her last months were shrouded in mist. Nothing was clear. The woman nodded. She hadn't expected The blue boy to tell her that he had fallen in love with his sister and the masked fae blinked a few times, though she maintained her silence until he was finished. He was worried about disappointing her and Resin shook her head at him. Though it wasn't common practice, it was something that the scarred woman was rather familiar with. He loved Bowen and he believed that she loved him. The girl was sad, however. So sad that Artorias was doubting that he could do it anymore. Seeing the pain on her son's features... it roused something within the lifeless fae. A spark of something long lost.

She was asked what he should do and there was one answer. "Let her fall." It was most likely an answer that he wouldn't like, but it was the quickest way to force Bowen to process her position in life and either give up or power through. "You can't save the world, Artorias." She'd said something similar to him before. "She is your sister and I can see that you love her, but she has to fall in order to come back stronger. You aren't her keeper. You can only support her so much, but at some point she has to fly alone."

Unexpectedly, Resin reached out with one foreleg and drew the boy into her embrace. She could feel little more than solid pressure as she held him. There was no warmth emanating from him. Or, if there was, she simply couldn't feel it. "Follow the course that you believe is best for you and the wolves that you've sworn to protect." The good of the many outweighed the good of one. If Bowen was distracting him from his duties, then he needed to distance himself. "You could send her away. Without you, her crutch, perhaps she might heal." It's what she would do. Perhaps it would be seen as throwing Bowen to the wolves, but sometimes that was what a mind needed. Hardship that forced one to rebuild themselves from the ground up.


[Image: GreYdcM.gif]