
I'm Only Joking

Revenant & Morendo Fighting Seasonal



Master Fighter (355)

Expert Healer (175)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

4 Years

Snake Eyes
04-25-2022, 08:09 PM
Strix lays stretched out on the beach of his home, the nearby palm trees making soft rustling sounds with each gentle gust of wind. The pup has his black side is pointed up toward the sky, catching the warmth of the sun, while his clouded grays are pressed into the sand. His soft mint eye slowly disappears behind its black eyelid only to blink open a moment later. He huffs out a breath, catching the small bits of grit in front of his nose and sends them skidding away. Sure, the day is picturesque, with the cloudless blue sky and bright sun hanging overhead, but it is also… boring. Rolling back up onto his belly, Strix quickly stands and shakes out his coat, getting rid of the small particles that want to cling to him. He is done laying in the sun, it time to find something entertaining to do.

Walking slowly toward the cluster of tall palms, the pup keeps an eye out for any animals that can catch and dissect but, to surprise, finds none. Confused, he stops to inhale the air, searching for any signs of predators that might be nearby. The answer to the riddle is on the breeze, there is a jaguar nearby. Eyes narrow as a smile plays along his lips and Strix immediately hunkers down to begin making his way toward the feline intruder. He is going to show this cat a thing or two. Silently he creeps closer until the spotted rump of his prey comes into view. The feline lounges in a patch of tall grass that is between two trees. Its tail twitches lazily while it reclines, the warm day lulling more than just the pup into a relaxed state. Ha, what a stupid cat. Soon, Strix will know the ins and outs of what this things body looks like.

The pup rushes toward the large cat, teeth flashing is the sunlight as seeks to bite into the meaty part of its back thigh. With a surprised snort, the jaguar turns its eyes to look at the bothersome wolf pup as his teeth sink into thick muscle. It opens its mouth, giving a hiss of annoyance and quickly repositions it weight to lash a clawed paw at Strix. The pup easily ducks under the paw and retreats a few steps as he readies to attack again. Suddenly, the sound of two more hisses have the boy’s mismatched eyes trailing up to trunks to the branches of both trees. Two more jaguars descend from the heights, tails lashing in annoyance. The one on the ground is standing and advancing toward the Strix. He smiles at it, the thrill of the fight to come overwhelming any rational thought. So, there are three? It just means that he will get to have more fun. Teeth flash and claws slash as he rushes in toward the jaguars once more.

WC: 485
Total WC: 485/1500

"Strix Klein"