
I'm Only Joking

Revenant & Morendo Fighting Seasonal



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (75)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Gay
04-27-2022, 04:49 PM

"Alright, Momma," Morendo said as he finished up his daily lessons with his mother and got up to leave the room once she decided they had worked on his music and singing enough for the day. Ever since he showed interest in it a couple of seasons ago it had become something that they looked forward to each day. It gave him an excuse to get away from his brothers for a bit and to have some dedicated time with their mother. With so many siblings and so many things going on in the pack sometimes it was difficult to find anything to make his own or any time to have to himself, but so far it seemed like he was the only one interested in these music lessons from their mother so it made him enjoy these lessons even more.

He walked out of the compound where their family resided and started making his way out into the jungles of the island while he tried to decide what to do with the rest of his day. He knew he should probably balance out his learning and training a bit with some fighting practice of some sort, but fighting always felt a bit more like something he had to do rather than something he wanted to do like his music lessons. He knew his father expected it from them though and it certainly wasn't like he wasn't capable of it so he didn't really have any excuse not to—especially since he wasn't able to sweet talk and bat his eyelashes at his father like Ruse could to get out of things. He huffed a little and started turning his path toward the beach so he could find somewhere to run through some of the drills and stances that they had been taught. At least then if his father asked he could say he had trained today without lying.

Before he could make it that far the sound of hissing and yowling of angry felines caught his attention and he hesitated for just a moment before running toward the sound to see what was going on. What he ended up finding was one of his brothers caught in the middle of a trio of jaguars. He sighed at the fact that with no one else around he was going to have to jump into the fight to help him otherwise he might be witness to his brother's murder. While that probably wouldn't bother him all that much, he knew it would devastate their mother and he certainly didn't want to see her that distraught. Purely for his mother's benefit, he let out a call for anyone that might be close by before he rushed in, running toward the jaguar that was closest to him and chomping down hard on its lashing tail. It hissed with pain and irritation as his teeth crunched down on its tail and tried to turn and face him, but instead he held on to its tail and ran to stay behind it, yanking and ripping at the appendage while he focused on staying out of range of its swiping paws.

WC: 524
Total: 1009/1500

"Morendo Klien"