
Afraid to know




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Pride - PansexualTeacherSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterWordy
04-28-2022, 12:24 AM
The relationship between fathers and sons... Halo isn't quite sure she understands it, but it seems to settle into her mind nonetheless. Matters of family were complicated, and really, Halo didn't understand most of them. Bloodlines, family ties, they ran so deep and so hot through this place. All over Boreas they seemed to cross, an invisible thread that tied so many of them together. Though this has been her home for nearly a year now, it's one of the things that leaves her feeling like an outsider still. Family... what a concept. She'd push the grey away, though, as there were far more important things on her mind.

It seemed that Mort was familiar with the idea of a litter having two sires, which was a good start. Thoughtfully, she mulls over his question. Is there a way to make puppies happen without actually doing the act. Her brow creases for a moment, a furrow forming in the middle. Halo sipped her tea. After a long moment, the tenderhearted healer shook her head. "I don't think so... the process overall can be kind of, um, delicate." She tilted her head to one side, then the other, as she spoke. Halo's tone remained apologetic as she thought it through. "But I don't know for sure," really, the pale girl didn't want to squash whatever idea Mort was forming. "I'll go speak with Fireside's head healer in the morning, and see if we can come up with some answer together." While not an allied pack, Halo knows a smart healer when she speaks to one, and Álarr had been kind. That, and she didn't know exactly where Sedna had gone. It was the most reasonable idea she could come up with, for now.

"Are you and Hika thinking about the future?" Halo's gaze was soft on her friend's face. She's always soft, but for Mort she is perhaps the most grateful of all. He'd been kind to her when he really, really didn't have to be. Around the boy, she never felt like she was in the way, or taking his time unnecessarily.

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