
Moving Forward

Keelin Healing Seasonal



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
04-28-2022, 05:18 PM

The bright afternoon sun shines over the land, illumining the stone ruins in the autumn sunlight. While it is cloudless day, the weather is deceptive, hiding the chill that clings to the air. Birds call to each from their perches on the ruins, making plans amongst themselves for the winter that is soon to arrive. Flowers are being to wither on their stalks, preparing to hibernate for the cold months but there are still some bright blooms here and there as they put on one last show before they sleep. A brown-gray wolf meanders through the landscape, eyes searching for something in particular.

Eulogy weaves her way through the stones, scanning the plants she passes. Her life has recently changed, the passing of her mother had hurt but it had also helped the aging woman realize what is important things in the world. The years may not have been kind to her, she might have been more absent then present, but she has made a vow to herself to start living… now. No longer will she hide away in the shadows, allowing the world to pass her by. Rhythm had helped her see the truth, helped heal her broken heart and now, she wants to make amends.

A breeze kicks up and the chilly air to makes the aches in her body more pronounced but, in spite of all the pain, Eulogy feels alive. She knows, if she was dead, that she would not be able to enjoy the day, the sights or her family. Which brings her back to the plan. Dark paws stop before some bright red flowers and Eulogy leans in to sniff at the blooms. The scent is sweet but not quite what she is looking for. So, she moves on, looking for the perfect bunch of flowers to take to Void and his family. The news of grandpups had reached her ears and she now has been the chance to go visit them.

She knows that the flowers won’t survive the long journey by themselves, which is why she has brought a small pot to transplant them into. The leather satchel hanging around her neck, carrying the precious clay pot within its padded depths. Now she just needs to find the find the perfect flowers to take.

WC: 382
Total WC: 382/1500

"Eulogy Destruction"

[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]