
Moving Forward

Keelin Healing Seasonal


04-29-2022, 10:25 AM
The shift in dynamic and the possibilities of the new future in front of her left her head spinning, but she was at least attempting to take it one uncertain step at a time. Merrick had instructed her to get to know more of the pack and be social so that was what she was attempting to do. She had seen that the pack had a garden of sorts, but the pack had a distinct lack of healers so there weren't many in the pack that cared to maintain it. It seemed like only Manea's woman Irilyth had been working on it and while she had been doing a fine job Keelin saw an opportunity to make herself useful. She was nothing if not resourceful and adaptable. She walked out toward the near by territories in search of some hardy plants that might be able to survive the quickly approaching winter chill. She wasn't entirely sure what she was looking for just yet since she didn't know the area very well, but she could say she attempted something today and even if she came back empty handed it could at least be a point of conversation with Irilyth next time they crossed paths.

She carried a pot with her since she would likely need something to put the plant in to keep the roots from getting damaged on her way back to the island, putting the pot in a sling of fabric to make it a bit easier to carry. She was still getting used to being so out in the open and on stable ground all of the time. After a couple of years of being on the ship with only short trips allowed onto the shore she had gotten used to the movement and the tight spaces of the ship they lived on. Being out here almost felt too open and made her more cautious as she walked through the dilapidated stone monuments. It also wasn't often that she went this far out without Merrick, but she supposed she ought to get used to this sooner rather than later. It seemed like he was pretty set on living here for the long term and didn't have any plans of going back to their previous life. This was her new normal so it wouldn't do her any good to be this jumpy every time she turned a corner.

The scent of a stranger makes her pause with just such nervousness and she looks up from her search to find its source, peeking around the corner of one of the pillars to spot a woman who also seemed to be examining the flowers that grew around the edges of the ruins. She seemed to be a bit older and certainly wasn't from Elysium, but she did almost match her in height which seemed to be a rare thing after living around the Mendacium wolves who all favored very tall heights. Keelin watched the stranger for a few more moments, trying to decide if she should sneak away while she still could or if she should just suck it up and brave the interaction. If nothing else it would be a practice in socializing since Merrick seemed to be pushing her toward doing that more frequently.

With a small sigh to set her nerves, Keelin walked out from behind her hiding place that was maybe a dozen feet away from where the other woman was standing and approached her, giving the other woman a gentle smile. As she got a bit closer she began to notice the scars that peeked out through the lady's cool-toned coat and it made her look at the stranger with a bit more curiosity. Keelin had worn scars all across her body for most of her life, but she didn't often see scars like hers on anyone else besides fellow slaves. "Hello," she greeted as she approached her, giving her a small dip of her head, the sling tossed around her swaying gently with the movement. "I noticed you were looking at the plants around here and I just happened to be doing the same thing so I thought maybe we could work together." Surely two sets of eyes were better than one, right?

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