
Quick Quack



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (215)

Advanced Healer (75)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
04-29-2022, 07:25 PM

With a glance to Arcturus, she hinted a smile as she looked out at the water where the ducks resided. She motioned with the pull of her head before stalking further away towards the tall cattails of the lake. They stayed on the bank for now, but they'd probably both be getting wet here soon. She was just trying to get them a little further away from the ducks so they could talk and the ducks would be calm by the time they made their way back around.

Laying behind the cattails, Vanille started. "So, obviously ducks can fly. I'd usually try to catch them with a net or it's at least easier when you are on dry ground and they hide in the shrubbery." Vanille was typically quieter, but she definitely leaned more on a scholar side. She was happy to share an experience with Arcturus. She had a lot of learning to do herself too. Maybe they'd be able to do something new together one day.

"They don't tend to fly off unless you pose a real threat. So I think you should wait here in the cattails and I'll go out and wade in the water to get them over here. It's a bit of a slow process, I'll have to move slowly in to them otherwise they'll fly away." Vanille didn't jump up eagerly, she wanted to make sure Arcturus was for the plan before pursuing or assuming. If he was up for the hunt she would get up to go around the lake to walk into the water a fair distance from the ducks.

Once she was out in the water, she was quiet and gentle in her steps. She tried her best to stay on the floor of the lake, but there came a time where she had to paddle through the water. She was pretty small after all. Still, her movements seemed to come with ease even if she struggled to keep herself fluid with the water. She kept her eyes on the ducks, watching as they started to paddle away from her. She was moving in a zig zag trail around the lake because she didn't want to be too suspicious by heading straight towards them.

The little ducks ahead of her were quacking as she drew closer and they fluttered their tails and drifted off in the direction she wanted them, towards Arcturus. and soon enough they'd be there close enough to the cattails ready for the taking. She shook her head to hint to Arcturus that she wasn't ready. She wanted to wait until she was close enough to grab her own. He would need to be ready to jump up and catch one had they scattered and flew. Once she was close enough, she nodded her head with her eyes still on the ducks ahead of her before leaping forward and going for only one. When she had the neck in her jaws, instantly killing the duck, she looked to Arcturus with a smile, maybe hoping he was impressed.

Hunting Seasonal Prompt

Total Word Count: 1561
Word Count Goal: 1500

Base By WatermelonCreature