
gone rummage sailing



1 Year
04-30-2022, 08:40 AM

My head pulled out of the pile soon after I heard his voice. Immediately after the pile shifted and I moved my paws quickly to the side a few steps from the startling sound of metal. I supposed with one extra pair of nostrils in there, a cascade was bound to happen... My amber eyes were brought up to the males' form, looking for any bodily giveaway that he was startled too. Though, it seemed I was really the only one who was jumpy.

"" My voice was light in nature, even though my mannerly response was given as an off-colored question. I sniffed and smiled meekly, tilting my head around to the side of the random doodads that he had been peering through. It was his side that fell in, so maybe me rummaging in there as well had nothing to do with his dig progression? My paws glided over to his side to see what he was looking through. Honestly, it looked about as random as my side - what was he looking for?

"I guess I'm done looking there,"

I reached out and flicked the thin sheet of metal that he had just tried pulling out moments before, just to hear the hum of the vibration again. It was such an odd sound... Eyes flitted up to the male once more.

"Probably my fault." I sighed and sat down, taking the time to look over the old bucket helmet that he discovered. "But hey! There's one treasure! The back of my paw tapped it a couple of times to emphasize my point. "And better it had fallen after you got it rather than your head being caught in." A short laugh escaped my maw before I smiled and looked back at the pile. "Whatever could you be looking for in there?" I said with honest childlike wonder filling my voice. Maybe he was looking for a helmet to play as a Sargent too?