
here, kitty kitty

ophie - healing seasonal


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
04-30-2022, 05:33 PM

It was not unusual for the behemoth of a woman to rise early in the morning. As the dew would spread across the grass-laden lands, her eyes would flutter open to a new day. Barely trickling over the horizon, the warm rays of sun trickled down through the treetops to grace her pelt that was a myriad of greys and golds. Her coat was made to hide her in the depths of mountains, not the rolling hills and dense trees of this southern region. Even the hotter than normal weather for this time of the year was unusual to her, but she would adapt quickly.

Shaking off her pelt from the night's moisture, she rose with a lengthy stretch of all four of her limbs. Each toe splayed out to warm her muscles from a good night's rest. It had been her first full sleep she had experienced in a long time and that only made her heart pang more. To know that her body and mind were finally growing accustomed to being alone hurt more than she wanted to admit. Brushing off the feelings of neglect and fury that rumbled in her belly, she began her travel down the creekbed in search of a new plant.

Here, in this strange and new place, were a lot of new plants that she had yet to discover. The one, in particular, she was looking for had been one she'd overheard someone else talking about. Tall, thick green stalks with fuzzy brown tops grew along the water in bunches which they called cattails. Why? Tenshi couldn't explain that, but she would accept it as it was. Having heard that it was good for burns and injuries after being burned or cultivating the sticky honey-like residue from the base of it, she knew she had to take some and replant it elsewhere. Having it grow closer to where her permanent base was, for now, would be more than ideal.

Snuffling the grass along the creek with an occasional sip or two from the clear waters, she began her search.

word count: 346